The following has been promoted by the ISDA, and reinforced by the IOHA and others throughout the state of Idaho. In case you missed the emails or aren't on the lists, here is the message from Linda Swanstrom:
We are in the midst of a very active legislative session! I am asking that each of you contact your legislator asking for their support on increasing the reimbursement rates paid to dentists treating Medicaid patients. Below, and attached are the key points that we would like to reinforce in your request for support. Most importantly, please let you legislator know how the low rates are limiting the amount of care you can afford to provide and ultimately your ability to treat / accept Medicaid patients in your practice. If it’s relevant to you, you can let them know how difficult it is on both you and your staff to have to turn patients away.
Work done by an independent contractor hired by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s Medicaid division showed that the fees paid to Idaho dentists for treating Medicaid patients are on average 27% below fees in comparable surrounding states.
The rates paid are significantly below the cost to provide the care to the patients, meaning that Idaho dentists in effect pay to treat the Medicaid population and are subsidizing the state’s program.
Medicaid rates have not been increased in at least fifteen years, while the cost to run a dental practice have continued to rise.
Dentists across the state have consistently stepped up to make sure that our citizens receive the care they need. Unfortunately as the cost to provide treatment continues to increase, and the reimbursement rates continue to stay the same, we cannot afford to treat the same number of patients.
Many dentists are forced to restrict the number of Medicaid patients we are able to see, and are having to turn away members of our community as we try to keep our businesses afloat. I personally have had to _____________________.
Idaho has one of the youngest dental workforces in the country. Over 50% of our new dentists report having dental school debt in excess of $400,000. This incremental debt burden makes it even harder for our young dentists to treat Medicaid patients whom they lose money on. This does not bode well for the future of providing the needed care in the current rate structure.
Based on the above data, the Medicaid division recommended a 10% increase in the rates paid to dentists. This increase doesn’t fully cover the cost of providing the care, but it is a step in the right direction and does make a difference. This increase is projected to cost the State of Idaho $1.27 million. Unfortunately Governor Little did not include the department’s recommendation in his budget.
I am contacting you to ask for your support in providing this increase.
If you aren’t sure who your legislator is, or how to contact them, please either call the ISDA office, or you can find contact information at:
Thank you for taking action to help our dentists in our state continue to provide the much needed care to all our citizens.
Linda Swanstrom
Executive Director ● Idaho State Dental Association
1220 W. Hays ● Boise, ID 83702
Office: 208-515-7542 * Cell: 208-861-8861
Fax 208-343-0775